Quality Care Initiative

NOBCCF works to educate breast cancer patients and improve access to quality health care for all. We support the National Breast Cancer Coaliton's Quality Care Guidelines:

  • Access
  • Information
  • Choice
  • Respect
  • Accountability
  • Improvement

We provide breast cancer patients with referral services, brochures and support group services to help patients understand their breast cancer diagnosis and help them make informed choices about their treatment.

We also provided education and resources to help all breast cancer survivors understand their diagnosis and learn how to access optimal follow up care for breast cancer. We also have resources and educational materials available for women who are at risk of developing breast cancer.

NOBCCF also provides education, resources and advocacy to health care and human services providers in the community, as well as government entities and elected officials, helping them to understand the latest information about breast cancer risk factors, screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Feel free to call or email if you would like copies of educational brochures.


Lend A Helping Hand

Since 2002, NOBCCF has provided financial assistance to area breast cancer patients undergoing treatment.  To date, we've provided over $400,000 in assistance to help women deal with the financial hardships. 

Currently, our financial assistance program is in hiatus.  Please feel free to contact us for referrals and information about other sources of assistance.


Every day Congress and state government pass laws and make decisions that affect issues that impact you - breast cancer research, access to health care, patient rights, etc.  Since 1992, breast cancer survivors have used advocacy to raise billions for breast cancer research and improve access to health care for all. Learn how you can become involved in grassroots advocacy and make a difference. 


Research and Clinical Trials Initiative

In cooperation with the National Breast Cancer Coalition, NOBCCF participates in ongoing efforts to educate patients about clinical trials and works to assist with accrual for selected trials that chosen for being well designed and holding promise for patients.
 Our advocates are also involved in advancing quality breast cancer research throught the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program. We lobby Congress yearly for funding for this innovative program which has a history of funding breakthrough research, such as discovery of the Her2neu oncogene, among others.

NOBCCF members attend ProjectLEAD, a series of courses developed by NBCC that bring researchers together with advocates to teach them how to understand the basics of breast cancer, how research projects are developed and clinical trials designed.

Graduates of ProjectLEAD participate as consumer reviewers in a variety of ways: on research review panels, attend breast cancer conferences and participate in the DOD Breast Cancer Research Program and the Era of Hope Conferences.